
Customer Specified Solutions

Cosmodyne is unique in that we can modify our Pre-Engineered individual ASU components or completely design new components for a fraction of the cost of a custom ASU design and achieve the exact customer specifications (products, flowrates, pressure, and purity). This allows for the customer to get exactly what is required thus maximizing the economic value and/or minimizing the power cost. This also allows for customization for an optional solution for chemicals manufacturing, steel manufacturing, water treatment , green hydrogen and ammonia projects, electrical vehicle and battery manufacturing factory utility systems, as well as many other industries.

Another interesting piece is combining a Customer Specified ASU with one of our Pre-Engineered solutions. This provides an optimized solution without the cost of a fully customized system. A great example is the solution built to minimize time-of-day power rates while maximizing production. It was comprised of an ASU making gaseous oxygen and nitrogen as well as liquid products including argon and adding a Cosmodyne ELM series stand-alone liquefier. The benefit to the customer is they run the ASU only generally but have the liquefier to produce additional liquid nitrogen or oxygen when required.